Friday 4 August 2017


I wasn't able to visit in June due to work, but I just squeezed in a July visit last weekend. July can be a frustrating month for birding. Breeding is mostly over and birds generally go quiet and/or hide in the excessive undergrowth. Birds find little need to fly about much and flocking behaviour hasn't really kicked in.

Still, it was nice to be back and there were a few highlights - a calling Quail in Kelk on Sunday evening, my first Hobby of the year, and a surprise 4 Little Egrets. Three in a field at Gransmoor and one at Wansford. I commented in May it was the first for that month so this presumably being the same bird and present throughout would be the first to spend the summer here. Also this is the first time I've seen more than one in a day outside of winter. Rapid change!

29th-30th July

Mute Swan - 6
Greylag Goose - 120+
Canada Goose - 18 
Shoveler - 2
Grey Partridge - 10 a family party
Quail - 1 calling at dusk
Little Grebe - 3
Cormorant - 12
Little Egret - 4
Grey Heron - 27
Sparrowhawk - 4
Buzzard - 20+
Kestrel - 8
Hobby - 1
Lapwing - 170+
Green Sandpiper - 2
Great Black-backed Gull - 1
Swift - 150+
Kingfisher - 1
Yellow Wagtail - 2

British summer weather. Bright sunshine followed by black clouds.

Two year list additions...

102 Hobby
103 Quail

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